I gave in and ordered from an infomericial. BUT...I am so excited about it! For about $150 and change I got the complete P90X training system. I already had a yoga mat, and some 5lb dumbbells but I did have to add some resistance bands so a trip to Wal-Mart supplied those for about $8.
For those of you who don't know what P90X is, it's a 90 day in home training program that completely transforms your body. A lady I know lost 12 lbs in the first four weeks and was absolutely loving it. She swore by the program (and pretty much every guy and a few girls I know through work) and LOVES it so I figured I'd give it a try.
I am going to follow the nutrition program to a tee (or as best as I can given my schedule and lifestyle) and I can't wait to see the results!!! June 29th here I come!
How to Sell Used Stuff Online (and Where)
42 minutes ago
Hey Court!
Let me know how it goes! I need to get whipped into shape!!!
MWAH - Nikki
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