Yay! I am so excited! I have my first babysitting gig tomorrow night. I love kids and this is the first time in a very long time I have had the opportunity and chance to watch someone's precious little angels. I am going to be watching, Jayden, a 14 month old. I met his mom, Deanna, at Slender Solutions here in Auburn. (I know, try and hold back your laughs!) I have gotten a bunch of bodywraps there, which are amazing by the way, and she is the owner. We got to talking and she offered to give me free wraps if I can watch him every once in a while. Tomorrow night her and her husband are going to go to the movies, so I'm going to watch little Jayden from 7-10 or so. I am also watching Jayden on January 31st from 8 in the morning until 5 at night. I think she has to run the store that. Plus her store in Montgomery is having an open house and she needs someone to do a sample body wrap, so I told her I'd be the model and I am going to get a free wrap from that too. So that's great! If you have ever wanted to even try a body wrap, I highly reccomend Slender Solutions. They are NON dehydrating, infact, they're really good for you. Not only do you lose inches each time, it gets a bunch of nasty toxins out of your body and leaves your skin soft and supple. They are fabulous. If you ever want to get one done, call Deanna and let her know I referred you. I'm sure she'd be happy to give you a nice discount. :)
How to Sell Used Stuff Online (and Where)
41 minutes ago
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